Wednesday, August 5, 2009

new beginnings.

one time... a little over two years ago, i received an envelope in the mail. there was no return address, no name, nothing. all that could be found inside was a small strip of paper. in white words typed on a black background it read "some endings are just the beginning." I never found out where or who it came from, and thus I never knew the intent, but it is a phrase that has been very true in my life. It came at a time when i was making the tough decision to give up my dream of pursuing a career as an astronaut and to fulfill another of my dreams of living in Honduras. It was a difficult ending that came with a lot of tears, but i had no idea what this new beginning would be. And man, was I in for an incredible surprise!

As you all know, I moved to Honduras to teach Kindergarten for two years. In my time there, I have had the wonderful opportunity to begin spending time with a ministry called the Micah Project. This ministry has many facets, but two main parts of it are the outreach ministry, (where they spend several hours each week building relationships with kids living on the streets of the city), and the group home, (where through the relationships built with these kids, they have given several of them over the years the opportunity to leave behind once-and-for-all the pain, hopelessness, danger, hunger, and addictions of street life in order to start afresh in a safe environment, pursue a Christian education, and learn to be leaders of transformation in their country.

Please take a moment to watch this short video, to help us remember that even when these homeless street children feel like no one notices them, we have a Heavenly Father who sees them for the precious creations He made them to be.

Yes. This is their reality. Sniffing glue to help them forget the pain and the hunger. But the story does not stop there! Through Christ’s transforming power, many kids who were once just like the ones you just saw have now found hope, have now found a family, have now found a future for their lives! Take a few minutes and learn about some of their successes.

These two groups of people are the people that are drawing me back to spend another year in Honduras. I am so excited to get started on yet another new beginning, that I’m sure will have it’s fair share of joys and challenges, triumphs and failures. But since I feel this is where God is calling me now, I am ready for whatever this new beginning will bring. But, I cannot do it alone! I NEED you. This last video talks about the importance of working together to accomplish God’s work in the world, and it gives practical ideas of how you can be involved more in my life and in the Micah Project, even from a distance!

Now, if you are interested in helping the Micah Project in any of those ways, please let me know so I can add your name to our Community Board.

If you want to choose one kid to pray for, or you want to help make thank-you cards, or you can set up a fundraiser, please email me at and I will get you what you need to get started. We love that God can use us all working together to make a much bigger impact than any of us could make on our own.


Ambre said...

Great, great job on your video, Jenna!!

beloved jane said...

Jenna....what a lovely heart you have for Jesus. Bless you and the Micah Project.